Help animals in Sussex - wildlife


It's a big week on the nature calendar:    the 5th to 11th is Hedgehog Awareness Week.   The 6th to 12th is National Hedgerow Week.  May itself is #NoMowMay.  

And on 22nd June in Central London, there's a Restore Nature Now march - find out all about it here.

Volunteer to help animals in Sussex
When you think of animal charities at work in our local communities, there's a tendancy to think of the big organisations, but both East and West Sussex have many animal charities, rescue centres, wildlife centres & animal sanctuaries are at work around us.  Many charities listed below are based in Sussex but work to help wildlife overseas, such as Care for the Wild, Bornfree, and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
Most of the links below connect to the "How you can help" pages but have a roam around sites which are of interest.  Please tell a friend about them.  Animals need all the help they can get, however little or large that may be.
Animal Charities helping wildlife in Sussex include... 

And there's more to come!